The Oral Report

Standing up in front of the class was never so much fun!

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Location: River City, United States

The rantings and ravings of a mom of three wonderful girls as she finds new love while working like a dog and shaking her fist at the system. You know. Pretty much like everybody else.

Monday, January 09, 2006

These Foolish Games

The Alito confirmation hearings have been on today. How depressing. Nothing but Pomp and Circumstance. Does anyone really believe that the process will weed out this non-objective observer? Yeah, me neither.

I wasn't feeling well this morning, so I stayed home from work. I think my body has gotten used to three day weekends and is lobbying for one more. It didn't take a great deal of convincing for me to go along with the plan.

The better part of the afternoon spent surfing and then a thought for a blog post (that may or may not come later), started me down a road that led me to a puzzle-maker. A little playing and this is what I came up with...

Here's the link if you want to try to make one yourself.

And then, I ran across this thing, and before I knew it, I had an honest-to-goodness Oral Report Theme Day! Excuse me while I dab at the corner of my eye...

I'm pretty sure it will be a good long time before I do any in-depth political blogging. But that sure doesn't mean that I don't get pretty upset about the state of things. Or feel the urge to shake my fist and use the "F" word when the 'pubs are flat out lying to get their way. Okay, I give in to that impulse once in a while. I'm human, you know.

Politics resonates with game playing, though. And, unfortunately, it's not the games I've posted on this blog, either. And while I feel that, in this day and time, politics is a (very much) necessary (very much) evil, I hate the game playing. And I take issue with both sides of the aisle, as well as a great deal of the process for that. Not much that can be done, though. But to keep the issues in front of people and cast your vote when they let you. Just sad to think how lazy and self-involved Americans have become. And I'm about as guilty as anyone else, I guess.

So, I've been re-channeling a little energy and have come up with some political game playing that I can live with. Like the Bush Monkey Virtual Jigsaw Puzzle that will give minutes of fun. At least more than reading frustrating political news stories will.

Please don't think me glib. (Okay, I might be a little glib.) I do take the political scene quite seriously. I'm just pissed. Feeling very much like an ineffectual cog in the workings. It'll pass. Always does. Maybe, I'll just play a little while I wait for the numbness to come...


Blogger Julia said...

Feeling very much like an ineffectual cog in the workings.

There is a cure for this feeling. Find a candidate that you support, or issue, and volunteer.

Even when I've supported losing candidates, I sincerely enjoy working with the other volunteers and committee people. It will restore your faith in this countries citizens.

1/09/2006 11:29 PM  

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