The Oral Report

Standing up in front of the class was never so much fun!

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Location: River City, United States

The rantings and ravings of a mom of three wonderful girls as she finds new love while working like a dog and shaking her fist at the system. You know. Pretty much like everybody else.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Just Call Me Angel of The Morning...

Okay, I'm no Angel.

But, it occurred to me, as I've spent the last couple days at Hell, that perhaps I'm living the story of a bitch trying to redeem herself and get out of Hell. Okay, maybe not, but I AM trying to get out of Hell. Badly. And boy is it taking a great deal of work. Perhaps a few more good deeds would help. Know anyone in need? We help the hopeless...

Work's been a bear this week. A great giant juggling bear with a pink polka dot tutu riding a precariously small unicycle. Somehow amusing in it's surreal quality. But mostly, it's still a vicious wild animal that will tear out your throat if you turn your head for more than a second. And so, you watch, in guarded horror, as the bear does what it must.

My dear pal, Biff (you all remember, Biff, right?) has quit. And so, I am forced to spend even more time in Hell. Doing Biff's job. Or the job of yet another...::sigh::... replacement. It's so close to done. So close. And I am, once again, preparing to break in another superintendent. I just don't know if I have it in me. There are, literally, only about a dozen small items to complete.

Yesterday was spent seeking out a noise problem with the HVAC system. One of our more evil residents (and in Hell, we do have more than a few of those) complaining about a rattling noise that is driving him (and his boyfriend) crazy. So, I met the HVAC contractor down there. His name always cracks me up. And while I'm HIGHLY tempted to include it, let's just say it's the same name as D. Martin's long time partner...that should slow down the searches...if only a little. I crack up every time I talk to him. (Okay, not as much as I used to crack up when I was working on a public pool project and the slide contractor's rep was named Max Dickoff, but, well, how often do you get that?)

Anyway, Mr. Lewis and I went to check on the noise and discovered a rather large baggie of marijuana sitting on said resident's nightstand. Wonder if that's a contributory factor to the hearing of noises. Perhaps. But, in this case there was a piece of bailing wire, inside the ceiling in their upstairs bathroom, rattling against a copper pipe. So, we got to cut a hole in the ceiling, which is (today) being patched and will be painted next week. One more off the list. Whoop!

In addition, we're finishing up the retail spaces. At this point, we don't know what kind of businesses will inhabit the spaces but I am bemused by the notion that there could be ice water stands in Hell.

I'm spending a great deal of time working out the kinks regarding the finish construction there. That superintendent shall be known as Marcus. Marcus, despite his very obvious alcoholic tendencies, seems to be doing an excellent job. I have discovered that drunks can navigate Hell in an effortless fashion. And I'm delighted to know it. I shall be delivering a couple cases daily until the job is done. Note to self...make the rounds at all my jobs and head off future problems by getting all the contractors drunk. I suppose there's a chance that could backfire on me, though.

And, of course, I'm still working on contracts and shop drawings and oh, yeah, a photo shoot at Green Meadows. Taking shots of all the exteriors of 26 large apartment buildings, sections of windows, and quite a few interior shots as well. But, we've had a few very nice days and that's worked out fairly well for me. Except for stuff at the office piling up in mountainous heaps.

At least it's the weekend. In fact, I started mine about an hour early today. I finished up at the jobsite and instead of heading back to the office, I decided to go home. I've earned it. And, believe me, I don't have any guilt. Been home thirty minutes. Already had two business calls on my cellphone.

I'm positioned to be in much better shape next week, though. And I'm glad. Another one like this and...well...I'd prefer not to think about that. It's been the reality far too many times.

No big plans for the weekend, but I may work on my taxes. I got my W-2's from work today and am very curious what, if anything, I'll be getting back this year. If a refund is in my future, I'd love to get it in the works. But not today. Today's fun includes a doctor appointment, a long walk (the weather is freakish in it's warmth...60 in January), cleaning out the fridge and laundry. I know. I know. You're all jealous. Divorcee' livin' on the edge, I am.

Well, I suppose I should get to it, gang. Hope you all have a fun-filled weekend. And I hope I don't see you in Hell come Monday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's 73 here! Hot for January!

Have fun this weekend. I plan on doing....o.......who knows. Maybe nothing. I like it that way! LOL.

1/20/2006 5:44 PM  
Blogger SuperWife said...

Gee, and I thought you had a photo shoot lined up, Marci...;)

1/20/2006 7:34 PM  
Blogger Julia said...

I actually have a break from cleaning this weekend. My daughter has decided to clean the house for me. She is such a sweetie...and it has nothing to do with me deciding whether or not she is allowed to go on a "car date".

1/21/2006 2:06 PM  
Blogger SuperWife said...

Heh...that's right, Julia. I'm sure it has nothing to do with it.

1/22/2006 9:30 AM  

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