Flashback Friday!
I can't find the funny. There. I said it. Oh, I looked high and low (for Miss Water Buffalo...sorry...the brain damage, you know), but I just couldn't get my hands around it. And I really, really tried. I went to funny websites and laughed and laughed. But when I sat down to write. Well, it just sat there, too.
I had a really sad story about my dad, that I thought about sharing (since we just had Father's Day), but, well, I didn't WANT to do a sad story this week. I wanted to do a funny story. I had what I thought would work, but when I started writing it...well...the funny just wouldn't come.
My intention is to work on that one a little more for next week. In the meantime, you're stuck with the following SuperGirlfriend photo montage Flashback Friday! I've included a few captions, but I'm hopeful that all you comedians/comediennes out there will help me find the funny. Your suggestions are not only welcomed, they are encouraged. Let the mockery begin!

"That's right. You're the next Shirley Temple. Casting agents will be calling aaaaany minute now."

(btw, that's me running)

Part is off center. Blemish on chin. Shirt is bunched up in front. For God's sake, there's RICK RACK trim on my dress. Another stellar school picture day.::sigh::

"My uncle Hugh says that sitting like this when I'm a big girl will get me all the boys...or at least a photo spread in his magazine."

"Maybe if I distract them with this off-the- shoulder thing, I can snatch that present before anyone is the wiser."

Nice hat... ::snicker::... ::snort::.... ::guffaw::
I had a really sad story about my dad, that I thought about sharing (since we just had Father's Day), but, well, I didn't WANT to do a sad story this week. I wanted to do a funny story. I had what I thought would work, but when I started writing it...well...the funny just wouldn't come.
My intention is to work on that one a little more for next week. In the meantime, you're stuck with the following SuperGirlfriend photo montage Flashback Friday! I've included a few captions, but I'm hopeful that all you comedians/comediennes out there will help me find the funny. Your suggestions are not only welcomed, they are encouraged. Let the mockery begin!

"That's right. You're the next Shirley Temple. Casting agents will be calling aaaaany minute now."

(btw, that's me running)

Part is off center. Blemish on chin. Shirt is bunched up in front. For God's sake, there's RICK RACK trim on my dress. Another stellar school picture day.::sigh::

"My uncle Hugh says that sitting like this when I'm a big girl will get me all the boys...or at least a photo spread in his magazine."

"Maybe if I distract them with this off-the- shoulder thing, I can snatch that present before anyone is the wiser."

Nice hat... ::snicker::... ::snort::.... ::guffaw::
Labels: Flashback Friday
Aw, baby. You were SO adorable.
And still are.
I see where the girls get it from.
I love you!
Oh, and the entry was pretty funny. The opening text and the picture captions made me grin.
Oh, God, flashback city!
But now I'm inspired.
School photos are the pits. Once mine was so bad I "lost" it and had to have it re-shot. I was always in some kind of plaid jumper my mother had made (didn't she know it WASN'T a Catholic school?) And since it was those glorious 60s, the orange jumper was of course paired with orange fishnet tights. Not the best look for a little fat girl.
College IDs weren't much better. I saved one (It's right here next to my computer) where I looked like Squeaky Fromme. Literally, I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and bushy hair and angry eyes. Like I'd just been shaken awake after a three day bender and told by my RA that I had to get an ID picture taken. In two minutes.
Scared the lights out of Husband....I think he was rethinking the whole wedding vows thing...
Loved the piece! Nice selections, fun captions.
H -
I'm so glad you are so objective. ::grin::
You know you could have come up with something far funnier.
Opus -
I couldn't bring myself to put the school pics that were even worse...though there were far more of them to choose from...::sigh::
Let me know if you post that school id pic. That sounds like a winner. Squeaky Fromme, huh? Well, Charlie found her cute.
Mike -
Glad you enjoyed it, but this is EXACTLY the kind of piece you are usually so apt to mock. And yet...
Come on. I know you've got at least ONE in there somewhere.
Show me the funny!
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