The Oral Report

Standing up in front of the class was never so much fun!

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Location: River City, United States

The rantings and ravings of a mom of three wonderful girls as she finds new love while working like a dog and shaking her fist at the system. You know. Pretty much like everybody else.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Free Lunch

Never say I haven't done anything for you.

Here's a link to a site that gives away free software every day. Not a trial version. Not a limited version. The real deal. Each day, there will be a different item and you can download the registered version for 24 hours AT NO COST.

As if that weren't enough, 'cause I'm feeling all full of the spirit of the season, here's ANOTHER link that will net you a free game download every day (from the same folks). I haven't seen KOTOR 3 or anything, but, hey, it's a freebie. Whaddya want?

Now, get to slacking on the 'net.


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