The Oral Report

Standing up in front of the class was never so much fun!

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Location: River City, United States

The rantings and ravings of a mom of three wonderful girls as she finds new love while working like a dog and shaking her fist at the system. You know. Pretty much like everybody else.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

All Aboard!

I bought my ticket on the Emotional Rollercoaster this morning. Or maybe last night, I don't remember for sure. None of that really matters though. Because, this morning...this VERY morning...I became the mother of an eighteen year old, legally adult, woman. Well, technically, I was already her mother, she just turned into the blah, blah, blah. I'm pretty sure it was magic, or somethin'.

I'd very much say that I don't know how that happened. But it'd be a big fat one. I remember where I was when she was conceived. Every bizarre moment of my labor and her delivery. Every skinned knee and broken heart. Every birthday party. Every drama production (school and otherwise) and chorus concert. Every smile. Every laugh. The first time she took a step, or tied her shoes, or rode her bike, or went to a dance, or got a job.

I remember every second of it all.

She didn't hide any of it from me. But, boy howdy, it can't possibly be time to let go. Can it? I'm just not ready. Yeah, sure, she'll be fine. She's got a few bumps to live through yet, I'm sure. But, how in the HELL did eighteen years go by???

There will be no embarrassing photos posted today (though if you email me, I'll TOTALLY hook you up!). I'm keeping all the tears on this side of the interweb. Tears of wonder, I suppose. A mixture of sad and happy and surprise and pride. I can assure you I didn't see this reaction coming. It's like nothing I've felt before.

[Kid 1]'s off running around with friends today. Doing that teen thing. She's requested a birthday dinner out with the fam at one of her favorite restaurants, so that's on tap for later this evening.

It's really NOT about me being older, either. Maybe it's about missing her...before she's even gone. 'Cause believe you me, I'm gonna miss her something fierce. Lucky for me though, as I said in her birthday card, "It was 18 years ago, today, that I first held your tiny hand in mine. And while you may not still see it there, I'm still holding it now, and always will." Lucky, too, that she plans to stay home while she goes to college. What a blubbering mess I'd be if she weren't, huh?

Damn, I hate crying at work!!


Blogger Nate said...

So, she'll have bootprints on her arse in, what, a week?

One down, two to go, right?

Seriously... whoa. Big day in life, attaining the age of majority (sorta). Ok, I was going to talk about ancient rites of passage, but spears and blood and all, ick.

So... I acknowledge the event. And tell SDT I said Happy Birtday.

5/31/2007 5:33 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Congrats to you on raising a fine young woman!! And congrats to #1 kid for becoming that young woman!

Happy Birthday and Congraduations on your gratulations or something to that effect, Kid #1!!!

Mark, Lisa and O.C.

6/01/2007 4:05 AM  
Blogger Mike Norton said...

A sweet and heartfelt post. I was especially touched by the note you left in her card.

My younger son turned 15 Friday, and next March the older one will turn 18, so I'm familiar with most of the feelings.

Happy birthday.

6/02/2007 4:52 AM  
Blogger Laurie Boris said...

Wow...Time dilation is an amazing and scary thing...congratulations to her, and good luck to her, and to you. A very touching post (sniff).

6/03/2007 11:06 AM  

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