The Oral Report

Standing up in front of the class was never so much fun!

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Location: River City, United States

The rantings and ravings of a mom of three wonderful girls as she finds new love while working like a dog and shaking her fist at the system. You know. Pretty much like everybody else.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

All I did was Blink....

Let me make sure I understand this all. I've been a little self-involved for the last few days, but I probably should have been making a list. How could all of this have gotten past me? I'm usually so much better about staying on top of things.

Judge Alito was sworn in as a supreme court justice.

We're maxing out the national credit cards.

A hypocrital, conservative republican, bigotted president opened his State of the Union address with news of Coretta Scott King's death and her work to call America to its "founding ideals". Coretta Scott King. An outspoken DEMOCRATIC advocate of human rights. Do you think anybody mentioned to Bush that she was an outspoken ally of gay marriage? Do you think that "I believe all Americans who believe in freedom, tolerance and human rights have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on sexual orientation." may have moved him to reverse himself? I'm thinking somebody didn't get the memo.

The Pentagon is advising military families to deal with the stress of the war in Iraq with...laughter. Yeah, I guess it's easy for them to muster up the guffaws when they think about how gullible the American people are for continuing to believe all the crap they continue to dish out, but it's probably a little tougher for a 25 year old mom with 2 little kids worrying about her husband's life and money and the kids to giggle much.

Freakish Hideous Cat beasts are in our midst.

The F/X network is churning out ::sigh:: yet another reality show. This one where a black family passes for white and a white family for black.

It's either the apocalypse or time to start packing extra warm clothes.


Blogger Doc Nebula said...

This is FLUFF? Geez, baby. You're giving Kos and Atrios and Josh Marshall serious competition here. This isn't fluff.

::ceremonially cutting ribbon::

Okay, this comment thread is now officially open. Gentlefolks, start your typing.

2/01/2006 10:12 AM  
Blogger Mike Norton said...

All good points to note.

I'd seen the big national news items, including the laughter specialist at the Pentagon - if I were looking in on this reality from a saner one I'd be laughing every time the White House issued a statement. One of many things I haven't taken the time to note -- and thanks to you now I don't have to! ;)

The holes this administration is digging the nation into - from the fiscal to the judicial & legislative - become more frightening with the report. The Chinese will all but own our grandchildren, and they'll be so bound into a serf-like existence that such nominal channels for political expression as they'll have left will be ignored as useless; many days most of that already appears to be the case.

Meanwhile, it's all A-OK because to say otherwise is to arm the terrorists.

One overnight twist I found interesting starts with the amazingly true statement Bush made that we we're "addicted to oil", running on briefly into a piece about alternative energy sources and hybrid vehicles. [All of which will only get major backing once those with proper political connections are in line, and there's a real buck to be made; we'll still end up paying for it at least twice, as tax dollars will fund the development and then we'll have to essentially lease the end products back from the patent holders.]

By this morning, though, each time the comment was referenced in broadcast media it reinterpreted as "addicted to foreign oil." I don't know if this was White House or GOP-directed - as the "foreign oil" tag has been a favorite, since it's effective code for everything from how concerned they are about national security to giving domestic and allied oil companies license to drill everywhere as a means of keeping the nation strong.

The piece on the Sphinx breed and the reality show (the link's not working for me, even when I chop out the extra "http//" -- it keeps sending me to an msn page) were news to me, though.

2/01/2006 11:53 AM  
Blogger SuperWife said...

Mike -

I'd seen the foreign oil pieces as well, but somehow, as you note, they'd been covered pretty well already. I, too, worry about what will be left for the kids. So easy to reminisce about my own childhood (the Nixon years?), but the changes (restrictions of civil liberties and freedoms) since then...things the kids won't miss because they never had appalls me.

I checked the link you mentioned, but it seems to work for me. Not sure what the deal-i-o is.

H -

I started to say it may not be fluff, but it's not as depressing as the stuff I posted yesterday. really is. You're sweet with the compliments. You must want something. No. No you may not have any clix. No matter how many pretty lies you tell!

2/01/2006 1:15 PM  
Blogger Doc Nebula said...


But... but... Valentine's Day...

::lower lip trembling::

Well, never mind, then. It's all about what I get to give YOU, anyway. ;)

2/01/2006 5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

S.G. -
All this deep political analysis boggles my brain after a hard day at work, so I will not embarrass myself by attempting to comment intelligently...
I am, however, impressed...
The hardest thing I am going to attempt today is medium-level sudoku! (ha, ha)
Mike - same as above.
Highlander - no pouting KNOW you will get something...don't be a baby. Start saving your pennies for HER present! (laugh)

2/01/2006 7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, not sure what's happening here. I was almost certain I'd posted a comment...

Eh, whatever. Nate, get your lazy fingers moving...

All I can say to excuse my actions in 2000 is to say that none of us had any idea things could go so bad so fast. I am however absolved of all guilt for 2004; as my vote was shennaniganed away by the local MoneyGrublicans.

As to the 'cat-like horrors'... well, obviously Chtulu is starting out small to avoid any organized resistance to his efforts to re-enter our realm. Expect rains of varied amphibians and fish soon.

2/02/2006 11:17 PM  

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